Friday, November 24, 2006

Imported Thanksgiving

Well, I'm off to Sofia to spend Thanksgiving (on a friday) at Trent's house. I think he's importing stuff from the states because he works for the state department and he imports all of his meat anyway. I going to try and play water polo tomorrow while I'm there. I played in the beer pong tournament last night and my team mate didn't show up so I just had Oksana pretend to be her. We won the first game in overtime and unfortunately lost the second. I had no idea that Oksana was so competitive. She high fived me so hard that she broke the pin to the strap in my watch. Luckily i think that's easily fixed. Anyway, I must be off. I'm going to starve myself until dinner because I know that it's going to be a lot food.
Happy Thanksgiving!

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