Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Playing Catchup

I apologize for the lack of posts, we rarely seem to have a decent amount of time for me to write anything.
Anyway, the Taj Mahal was incredible (and expensive, $15 each), plenty of pictures were taken. After that we were off to Jaipur, I did book a hostel, but our driver put us up in a really nice hotel for the same price. The next day he dove us around Jaipur. We saw an outdoor observatory, a massive fort (one of our favorites so far), got an elephant ride, and had south Indian Dosa (delicious). Our train was later in the evening and we slept like babies on it.
We arrived at Udaipur in the morning and walked around the city. It's really less of a city than it is a collection of palaces along a beautiful lake. After Udaipur we were off to Ahmedabad.
We met up with some friends and went to a massive international summit. We had our pictures taken several times because our friend Maria and I were the only blondes there. After that we went to Ghandi's home and then to a gorgeous temple that was very far out of the city. Jarryd and I got to meet the saint in charge of the entire temple, and he gave us his blessing, a huge honor.
The next day was the kite festival and it was a ball. We went to our host Julian's family's house and flew kites for several hours. I managed to cut 2 kites, lots of fun. Later on we walked around Ahmedabad taking pictures and meeting people. When it got dark there were fireworks everywhere! We caught our train to Mumbai and now here we are. We are spending the night at the Salvation Army Hostel and have a train to Goa tomorrow. We will be booking our flight out of India as soon as I get off this computer.
I hope this finds everyone well (and don't worry, I am keeping a much more detailed daily journal that will be available once we get back) !

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