Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Busy day

I had 3 classes today, so I was up nice and early and just finished a while ago. Not really an eventful day. I got my 1 question pop quiz right. the funny thing was that people who got the answer wrong, they got 80's and 85's. How in the world can you get that kind of a score on one multiple choice question? Hopefully this means that we will be getting a lot of partial credit on everything, that would be nice. I also had another quiz in Marketing, 10 questions, this one was a little easier than the one last week (we have one each week). I didn't do too well on the first one, so hopefully this one will even things out. Everything seems to be going well school wise so far. The only thing left for me to do is to get that bank account open. I finally found out that i have to finish reading this book (the lie that wouldn't die) in the next two weeks, so i'm going to try and finish it before we have the test/quiz on it. Don't know what i'm up to tonight, but i'm sure i'll find out.

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