Thursday, September 21, 2006

Working Out

I'm starting to work out, and it seems to be working. Hopefully I can keep doing it and actually get somewhere as opposed to the other times when i just gave up. I found out the other day that i have $150 for food on my card, so I'm trying to eat at the canteen as much as I can. The food there is hit or miss, and sometimes if you grab the wrong thing, it can end up being really expensive. I have to wake up around 8am tomorrow because the bus to go to Sofia leaves from the main building at 9 and it won't wait for ppl who are late. this pretty much means that i'm not going out tonight, so i'm going to keep reading this book so that i can get it done early. I have yet to go out to the clubs that opened last friday. Either someone doesn't feel like going (because they only play house music), or we end up doing something else. I would like to go sometime this weekend, along w/ the monastery. We have decided to go to Greece for fall break because it's closer and easier, and there's plenty to do there. If we have the time, we might go to the islands and Athens, but it's supposed to be expensive to take the ferry to the islands, but we'll see. I spent barely any money yesterday, seeing that I ate at the canteen and Trent payed me back for covering his dinner two nights ago. Poor kiro's body is being abused with being sick and go out and all his homework, he just needs some R&R. He's going home this weekend, for the third week in a row, he's still getting adjusted to living on his own. Kiro's dad was in Dubai last week, so he wants to see him this weekend. Some of the american students are going to the beach this weekend, but they're leaving tonight, and I can't really skip out on this Sofia trip tomorrow because it's mandatory. I would like to go, but I would either have to go from Sofia at the end of the trip on friday, or leave on saturday. I also don't know if I would be allowed to stay at this girl's house, and she's a little strange. Hopefully the weather holds out and i can go next week or something. I really need to start exploring Bulgaria more, there's so much to see around here.

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